There are many coins and collections that require a different approach. Simply buying the collection outright would be a disservice to the client were it to result in a loss of revenue earned, so we offer consignment services to all of our clients.
Consignment services allow us to examine an entire collection coin by coin, offering our advice on the sales process each individual unit should take. With the right amount of patience, a client can rest assure that we will examine every possible avenue and select the best one.
We have engaged with individual pieces and full collections over the years through this method and we treat it as a fiduciary relationship. That term doesn’t make its way into our industry very often, but it’s precisely the type of service and relationship we desire to maintain. After all, how you go about disseminating your collection is a financial one and it is our goal to act in your best interests.
Our consignment services are commission-based. Just like the commission a real-estate agent earns in the purchase and sale of a home, we don’t make any money until you make money. With a 10% consignment fee, we may not be the cheapest you can find out there, but we will work harder and with you every step of the way. You’ll never have to question what our intentions are or the avenues we are exploring, you’ll know.
1720 Indian Wood Cir, Ste B - Maumee, OH 43537
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